Motorenstrasse 109
8620 Wetzikon
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Details for Company TEA AG

Your environmental and material testing lab

TEA AG in Wetzikon is staffed by an interdisciplinary laboratory team of engineers and technicians that specialise in testing products from the electronics and automotive engineering industry, the railway sector, consumer product and defence industry, and in helping our customers to develop, qualify and produce marketable and reliable products.

Our services

  • Environmental testing
  • Material testing
  • Engineering
  • Test systems

B2B-Firmensuche B2B-Suche Firmen Firma Schweiz

We can test your products under any load conditions – temperature, such as temperature changes, moisture, heat and ice – vibrations, mechanical shock with resonance analyses etc. We also perform IP tests (water and dust) for enclosures, seals and modules for road vehicles.

More detailed information about our services:

  • Vibration/shock
  • Transport tests and simulation
  • Temperature/climate
  • IP tests
  • UV tests
  • Flammability, fire behaviour
  • Fluid resistance

Material engineering

Material testing

We analyse materials and perform routine tests on components and assemblies, which include testing and analysing a range of properties.

  • Testing specific material properties
  • Tensile, pressure and hardness tests
  • Part, component and device failure analysesX-ray analyses (digital sensor)
  • Part, component and device failure analyses
  • Chemical resistance

Damage analyses

  • Fire cause analyses for devices and circuit boards
  • Insulation failure and electrical breakdown analyses on parts, components and devices
  • Part and component wear
  • Corrosion, oxidation and surface changes on parts, components and devices
  • Solder joint, screw coupling and crimp connection assessments

Identifying and eliminating the causes of failures is key to assuring a product’s safety and reliability.


TEA AG  Motorenstrasse 109 8620 Wetzikon Zürich Schweiz Umweltprüfungen Materialprüfung Engineering Prüfsysteme Testengineering



Advice concerning relevant standards, statistical power for product qualification tests?

Test engineering comprises the development of test strategies: identifying what is being tested; test concepts:specifying how it is going to be tested; test procedures: specifying how the test is going to be performed

Material engineering comprises assessing how changes to materials are going to affect their properties in terms of wear, corrosion and oxidation, as well as their electrical and thermal characteristics

Process engineering

comprises assessing the effects of any changes to the materials, e.g. flux, auxiliary materials such as solvents, the process temperature or the temperature

Test systems

Design - Development - Maintenance

Test stands and systems:

We build exclusive test systems for testing products during their manufacture and special test stands for R&D and QM. This comprises the design, development, implementation and maintenance of test systems for mechanical, electrical, mechatronic components, assemblies and products.

The test systems are used during the design phase, production phase, servicing or as test apparatuses for life cycle and reliability tests or product qualification testing.


This comprises the development of bespoke software. This is generally done using the development platform LabVIEW™.

B2B-Suche Firma Firmensuche


  • Senior Test Engineer Hardware, 60-80%
  • Praktikant Test Engineer, 30-50%


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TEA AG in 8620 Wetzikon

Company TEA AG from 8620 Wetzikon Bailaho: The company TEA AG offers products and services like Environmental testing, Material testing, Engineering, Test systems und Vibration. Send an inquiry o this company to set the first steps in a business contact. Please let the company know that you found them on Bailaho.

TEA AG 8620 Wetzikon  Environmental testing,  Material testing,  Engineering,  Test systems und  Vibration

Motorenstrasse 109
8620 Wetzikon

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Hours Currently Open

Monday : 08:00 - 17:00

Tuesday : 08:00 - 17:00

Wednesday : 08:00 - 17:00

Thursday : 08:00 - 17:00

Friday : 08:00 - 17:00

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Firmensuche B2B Firmen TEA AG
Firmensuche B2B Firmen TEA AG

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