PFIFFNER Instr. Transformers Ltd

Lindenplatz 17
5042 Hirschthal
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Details for Company PFIFFNER Instr. Transformers Ltd

PFIFFNER is the ideal business partner to serve customers globally in different segments like utilities, industries and railway

The PFIFFNER Group is acting with several brands: PFIFFNER, MGC, ALPHA-ET, HAEFELY. The brands are well-known on the market and have pioneered several technologies over the last decades. Our solutions and services add value for our customer’s assets by providing functions like measure, meter, protect or transfer electric energy from A to B in a safe and reliable way.


PFIFFNER Instrument Transformers Ltd. is an independent industrial company which manufactures high-quality, modern and competitive products for electricity suppliers and industrial companies in Swiss quality at its Hirschthal site.

Thanks to a large vertical range of manufacture, we achieve a high degree of flexibility in the development and design of our products. We serve the international market with our equipment, which is used for safe energy power distribution and billing.


Product Category

  • Busbar System
  • Combined Transformers
  • Current Transformers
  • Disconnectors
  • EMC
  • High Voltage Test Systems
  • Instruments
  • Traction
  • Transformer Bushings
  • Various / Accessories
  • Voltage Divider
  • Voltage Transformers
  • Wall Bushings

High Voltage

Innovation, many years of experience combined with extensive know-how and our commitment to performance are our keystones for sustainable success.

Medium Voltage


Before leaving the factory, our products are subjected to routine tests. In the medium and high voltage area, our products go through several test procedures, such as partial discharge and client or product specific tests.


Low Voltage


Innovative Technologies

Our inhouse Researche & Development department constantly works on innovative technologies and the challenges the power grid will be facing in the future. All our employees are committed and dedicated to service all needs of our customers.



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PFIFFNER Instr. Transformers Ltd in 5042 Hirschthal

Company PFIFFNER Instr. Transformers Ltd from 5042 Hirschthal Bailaho: The company PFIFFNER Instr. Transformers Ltd offers products and services like Busbar System, Combined Transformers, Current Transformers, Disconnectors und EMC. Send an inquiry o this company to set the first steps in a business contact. Please let the company know that you found them on Bailaho.

PFIFFNER Instr. Transformers Ltd 5042 Hirschthal  Busbar System,  Combined Transformers,  Current Transformers,  Disconnectors und  EMC

PFIFFNER Instr. Transformers Ltd
Lindenplatz 17
5042 Hirschthal

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Monday : 08:00 - 17:00

Tuesday : 08:00 - 17:00

Wednesday : 08:00 - 17:00

Thursday : 08:00 - 17:00

Friday : 08:00 - 17:00

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Firmensuche B2B Firmen PFIFFNER Instr. Transformers Ltd
Firmensuche B2B Firmen PFIFFNER Instr. Transformers Ltd
Firmensuche B2B Firmen PFIFFNER Instr. Transformers Ltd
Firmensuche B2B Firmen PFIFFNER Instr. Transformers Ltd

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