Product sub-listings (optional)

Sub-entries for products or services (optional)

Advertise individual products and services separately

Your products and services perfectly staged

With product sub-entries you can provide even more targeted information about individual products and services. You can create a product sub-listing for each individual product. You can publish your own advertising text for each product sub-listing and publish up to five. The user who clicks on your listing on Bailaho sees the link to your classified ads in a separate field and can display them directly. Plus: In our "advanced search" users can only search directly in classified ads! Your extra bonus: Your classified ads will also be spidered by all search engines such as Google & Co. You can place any number of classified ads for your listing! The individual price is €119.00 per year.

B2B-Verzeichnis für Firmen. B2B-Firmenverzeichnis für Deutschland, Österreich und die Schweiz

Your company profile presents your company, sub-entries your products and services

Your company profile advertises your company in general, the sub-entries specifically advertise your individual products or services.

B2B-Verzeichnis für Firmen. B2B-Firmenverzeichnis für Deutschland, Österreich und die Schweiz

Structured reading by search engines

The product sub-entries appear structured in the breadcrumb navigation for perfect reading by the search engine robots.

B2B-Verzeichnis für Firmen. B2B-Firmenverzeichnis für Deutschland, Österreich und die Schweiz

It also works for product groups and service groups

Sometimes the product portfolio is so large that you can't advertise every single product. In this case, you can advertise the product groups, in which the individual products are then displayed again.
