MV automation systems GmbH

Am Gewerbepark 14
08344 Grünhain-Beierfeld
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Details for Company MV automation systems GmbH

We are your specialist for high-quality solenoid valves and accessories for the whole world of industrial applications.

With more than 60 years of expertise in the field of valve technology, you will receive comprehensive, individual advice from competent specialists as well as first-class, customised solutions - made in Germany. Our comprehensive range of services includes a complete solenoid valve programme, so that we can provide you with the perfect support for all your needs.

MV automation systems GmbH  Am Gewerbepark 14 08344 Grünhain-Beierfeld Sachsen Deutschland Magnetventile Pneumatik Spulen Magnetventilprogramm Pneumatikprogramm


We offer

  • Customised valve designs based on all common operating principles
  • Coils in all voltages and with extended voltage tolerances
  • Prefabricated assemblies

As a long-standing supplier to numerous reputable industrial and railway companies, we are characterised by experience, technically skilled employees and commitment. Not only the variety of our products, but also the large number of system solutions, which of course meet all important international quality requirements, has convinced our constantly growing circle of customers.


Large temperature and voltage fluctuations and strong vibrations place special demands on the solenoid valves used in railway technology. Our products meet these demands as standard and satisfy the most challenging requirements.

MV automation systems GmbH  Am Gewerbepark 14 08344 Grünhain-Beierfeld Sachsen Deutschland Magnetventile Pneumatik Spulen Magnetventilprogramm Pneumatikprogramm

They are used in all imaginable areas of a train, especially in refrigeration, air-conditioning and heating systems, water installations, door closing devices, brake systems, wheel flange lubrication as well as in air control on macrophones and compressors.


The world of industrial plants is as diverse as the resulting demands on the valve technology used. This is reflected in our extensive range of service capabilities.

Firma Firmensuche B2B-Suche

MV valves for industrial plants are characterised by, for example:

From the chemical and energy industry, over food, water, refrigeration and medical technology to mechanical engineering and shipbuilding - companies from a wide range of industries worldwide rely on proven, reliable quality from MV automation systems. A constantly growing customer base in new business fields is an expression of the evergrowing trust.

Firma Firmensuche B2B-Suche

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MV automation systems GmbH in 08344 Grünhain-Beierfeld

Company MV automation systems GmbH from 08344 Grünhain-Beierfeld Bailaho: The company MV automation systems GmbH offers products and services like Valve technology, Railway technology, Industrial Plants, Valve und Solenoid valves. Send an inquiry o this company to set the first steps in a business contact. Please let the company know that you found them on Bailaho.

MV automation systems GmbH 08344 Grünhain-Beierfeld  Valve technology,  Railway technology,  Industrial Plants,  Valve  und  Solenoid valves

MV automation systems GmbH
Am Gewerbepark 14
08344 Grünhain-Beierfeld

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Firmensuche B2B Firmen MV automation systems GmbH
Firmensuche B2B Firmen MV automation systems GmbH
Firmensuche B2B Firmen MV automation systems GmbH

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