merz+benteli ag

Freiburgstrasse 616
3172 Niederwangen
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Details for Company merz+benteli ag

Innovative solutions for customer needs. Sealants and adhesives for construction and industrial applications.

merz+benteli AG offers sealants and adhesives based on environmentally friendly, solvent-free technology, some of which consists of up to 70% renewable raw materials. This means that our products and services are of the highest quality, made in Switzerland.

Private Label

Your brand, our technology

Adhesives and sealants of merz+benteli as private label under your own brand. merz+benteli offers a large selection of adhesives and sealants for all construction and industrial applications in certified quality, under your own label.

Thanks to many years of proven experience in the research, development and filling of high-quality SMP adhesives and sealants, we make our technology available to your brand so that you can sell the highest Swiss quality and reliability as private label under your brand.



  • Gomastit
  • Merbenit
  • Cementit
  • Accessories

Sealants and adhesives for all applications in construction. Gomastit has the right sealing and adhesive solution for every task. Machines and buildings, components and complete systems, made of traditional and modern materials - everything is in motion. And wherever something moves, elasticity is required for sealing and bonding.


Adhesives and sealants for industry, transportation and marine applications. Merbenit is the brand for industrial adhesives and sealants and contains only advanced SMP technology. Merbenit combines high strength and elasticity, superior adhesion spectrum and maximum environmental compatibility. The Merbenit product range includes a wide range of universal, special, one and two component products.


Innovation from tradition

  • Adhesives and sealants from the Swiss manufacturer
  • Sustainability by conviction
  • SMP technology and its advantages

Your brand, our technology
merz+benteli offers a large range of sealants and elastic adhesives - as a private label - in corporate design and under the brand name of product range suppliers.

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merz+benteli ag in 3172 Niederwangen

Company merz+benteli ag from 3172 Niederwangen Bailaho: The company merz+benteli ag offers products and services like Sealants , Adhesives , Gomastit, Merbenit und Cementit. Send an inquiry o this company to set the first steps in a business contact. Please let the company know that you found them on Bailaho.

merz+benteli ag 3172 Niederwangen  Sealants ,  Adhesives ,  Gomastit,  Merbenit und  Cementit

merz+benteli ag
Freiburgstrasse 616
3172 Niederwangen

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Firmensuche B2B Firmen merz+benteli ag
Firmensuche B2B Firmen merz+benteli ag
Firmensuche B2B Firmen merz+benteli ag

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