Hülsebusch Dichtungstechnik e.K

Am Schornacker 58
46485 Wesel
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Details for Company Hülsebusch Dichtungstechnik e.K

Time is money for every company, so it is an integral part of our corporate philosophy to tailor Our services in a customer-oriented way.

Speed and flexibility in handling inquiries and orders, Speed and reliability in supplying our customers, Well sorted warehousing, High quality standard, Environmental awareness

... Things that the customer rightly desires and that a modern company has to raise.

Sustainability is a win-win for companies, the environment and people. 


That's why we have set ourselves the goal of bringing this to life in our company.
We send our packages co2 neutral ! 

As part of the "Carbon neutral" climate protection program, the co2 emissions generated by transportation are offset by recognized climate protection projects.
60% energy and 70% water savings when using recycled paper , good reasons for our change.
Sustainable building management. 

In order to reduce our energy consumption, we start at different points and in this way continuously optimize the operation. At our location, we rely 100% on green electricity .


  • O-rings
  • Gaskets
  • Metal seals
  • Rubber-steel seals
  • Shaft seals
  • Ptfe seals
  • Graphite gaskets
  • Packs

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Hülsebusch Dichtungstechnik e.K in 46485 Wesel

Company Hülsebusch Dichtungstechnik e.K from 46485 Wesel Bailaho: The company Hülsebusch Dichtungstechnik e.K offers products and services like O-rings, Gaskets, Metal seals, Rubber-steel seals und Shaft seals. Send an inquiry o this company to set the first steps in a business contact. Please let the company know that you found them on Bailaho.

Hülsebusch Dichtungstechnik e.K 46485 Wesel  O-rings,  Gaskets,  Metal seals,  Rubber-steel seals und  Shaft seals

Hülsebusch Dichtungstechnik e.K
Am Schornacker 58
46485 Wesel

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Firmensuche B2B Firmen Hülsebusch Dichtungstechnik e.K
Firmensuche B2B Firmen Hülsebusch Dichtungstechnik e.K
Firmensuche B2B Firmen Hülsebusch Dichtungstechnik e.K
Firmensuche B2B Firmen Hülsebusch Dichtungstechnik e.K

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