BERGER technologie GmbH

C.F.L. Lohnerstrasse 28E
3645 Gwatt/Thun
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Details for Company BERGER technologie GmbH

BERGER technologie GmbH is a small enterprise based in Gwatt near Thun (Switzerland). The personal relationship with our customers is important to us. We do international business producing and selling multispindle drillheads and drill sharpening machines for metalworking industries worldwide.

We are equipped with the latest technology and employ 7 persons at present. Our customers are taking profit on a fast response regarding quotations and short delivery times of our products. We are reliable and honest. We are international and quality – Made in Switzerland.


Multispindle technology

We offer a wide variety of multispindle drillheads. All BERGER multispindle drillheads will offer you high use value.

  • The Advantages of BERGER multispindle drillheads simultaneous drilling of two or more holes in one operation
    (drilling, countersinking, thread cutting or reaming, …)
  • Extensive reduction of machining time
    (=reduction of unit costs, increase in production capacity, reduction of production time)

Depending on the application, we offer five lines of drill heads.


Regrinds technology (drill grinding technology and wood tool grinding technology)

Our MEGA-POINT drill grinding machine allows precise and rapid regrinding and sharpening of all standard drills. Our customers always have perfectly ground drills available. The sophisticated design allows a very high flexibility in terms of the different cutting angles and the cutting of the drills. As a customer of our MEGA-POINT drill grinding machine, large companies such as Studer AG also include small companies in the fields of mechanical engineering and mold making, such as Stamag-Primaform AG.



Client production

Our strengths in the subcontracting division are above all in the case of more complex individual parts and smaller series up to approx. 100 units. Thanks to our extensive machinery (turning, milling, drilling, etc.), we can carry out many machining operations directly in our company. In addition, our design also gladly takes on the task of producing production-specific detail drawings from your designs or realizes the entire design based on your ideas or concept sketches.


Sales products

In order to be able to offer our international customers a complete product range, we have expanded our product portfolio with correspondingly useful commercial products. Our trading products are always internally and externally tested before we decide to include them in our program. SWISS SPEEDY  is also used successfully every day in our own production facilities.


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BERGER technologie GmbH in 3645 Gwatt/Thun

Company BERGER technologie GmbH from 3645 Gwatt/Thun Bailaho: The company BERGER technologie GmbH offers products and services like Swiss Speedy, Swissspeedy, Multispindledrillhead, Multispindledrillinghead und Multi Drill Head. Send an inquiry o this company to set the first steps in a business contact. Please let the company know that you found them on Bailaho.

BERGER technologie GmbH 3645 Gwatt/Thun  Swiss Speedy,  Swissspeedy,  Multispindledrillhead,  Multispindledrillinghead und  Multi Drill Head

BERGER technologie GmbH
C.F.L. Lohnerstrasse 28E
3645 Gwatt/Thun

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Firmensuche B2B Firmen BERGER technologie GmbH
Firmensuche B2B Firmen BERGER technologie GmbH

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